
Message Board Reinstated at Windsor Website, 2009-06

[Update 2009-09: The Windsor message board is no longer an open forum (see comment, "I Spoke Too Soon".]

As part of a website update, the "official" Windsor website has reinstated (2009-06) the private (for logged in users only) message board that was removed almost two years ago. Kudo's to the new Board (2009) (and especially Candice Bullard?) for encouraging communication within our community.

Message Board Removal at the Windsor Website, 2007-11

The private (logged in users only) message board at the official Windsor website was dropped near the end of 2007, having been available only half a year. Many of us were excited this common avenue of communication was available to our community, though an influential minority (of 1?) did not like the idea. What follows are discussions available to me (Dave) highlighting this divide.

Windsor Website for Us

This is Dave Barker, a neighbor of yours at the Windsor Over Peachtree. I thought you might be interested in a new opportunity for communication here at the Windsor (and I happen to have your email address).

Original Text of Documents

Documents on the web are best served as HTML (vs. PDF or MS Word), and the following was an attempt to acquire or create an HTML version of some of the Windsor's important documents.

HTML'izing the Homeowner's Manual

Our property manager has published our Homeowner's Manual in a form that is not well suited for use on the web. Here, we are working to HTML'ize the homeowner's manual to make it searchable and overall more accessible and usable. When it's ready, we'll publish on the Windsor's official site.

Non-Owner Residents (AtHomeNet)

This question was originally posed by Maria to Robert, Dave, and Jason via email regarding non-owner resident user accounts on our website with AtHomeNet.

Current Issues, Website Committee

Here we will note the current issues being discussed by the Website Committee. Please feel free do edit this page.

Flier for Announcement of Website

Here is a flier I made to announce to our community the existence of our website. It's a first step in our roll-out of website effort.


This is a Sandbox, a place for you to make a mess! Use this page to experiment with editing (if you're logged in) or posting a "testing" comment. Do whatever you'd like, experiment, play! Maybe leave this paragraph around though, thanks. :^)

Website Meeting, 2007-02-26

02/26/2007 6:30 pm

Location: Social Room

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