Non-Owner Residents (AtHomeNet)

This question was originally posed by Maria to Robert, Dave, and Jason via email regarding non-owner resident user accounts on our website with AtHomeNet.

This request is from a tenant. Currently, only owners are listed in the
address book. Please advise.

[Login Request snipped]


Dave Allen Barker Jr's picture

Just Create a "Normal" Account (for Now)

For now, Maria, please create the non-owner resident accounts as you would any other (with Security Level 50). Read on if you'd like to know why.

I think resident non-owners should be a part of our online community (I think everyone should (to varying degrees), but that's another discussion). If we decide to users differently, their account properties should allow this. With TOPS (the software website platform used by AtHomeNet), this means setting an appropriate "Security Level" on the account.

My first thought was to create the resident non-owners accounts and be sure to set their Security Level to 75. This would suggest they're somewhere between "normal" users at Security Level 50, and "the public" at Security Level 100.

There's a problem with that solution (see also my notes on access permissions). The majority of TOPS website features are available to users with Security Level 50 and lower (that's a lower number, not lower access rights (confusing, I agree)). So if we assigned Security Level 75 to resident non-owners as I described above, they would not be able to use the majority of the site.

To remedy this, I see only two options (with TOPS). Change all "normal" users to Security Level 40 (say) and keep "renters" at 50, or have AtHomeNet (we are not allowed to do it for ourselves) change the website features to Security Level 75 (from 50).

So basically, we'll punt the problem until we have a reason to restrict access to resident non-owners.

If anyone else wants to chime in, please do!