Neighbors @ 620 Peachtree (Website)

Windsor Website for Us

This is Dave Barker, a neighbor of yours at the Windsor Over Peachtree. I thought you might be interested in a new opportunity for communication here at the Windsor (and I happen to have your email address).

Categories in Drupal

Note: This page is not for the discussion of what categories we'd like our webpage to have. For that, see "Organizing Our Website". This page discusses implementation issues.

Categories are assigned to resources (such as webpages) in order to organize our site. This functionality is provided by Drupal's Taxonomy module.

Categories can then be assigned properties, such as access permissions or site navigation hints, that will then be inherited by the resource they're assinged to. In this way, the behaviour of resources on our site can changed anytime by simply assigning the resource to any number of categories.

Note: See the Categories page for a live list of categories that currently make up our site.

User Profiles

User Profiles allow people to introduce themselves. Any time a person's username is mentioned on our site, a link is provided to that user's profile that others may follow. In this way, users may become better acquainted with those they're interacting with online.

Permissions Online

Specific permissions are assigned to roles by webmasters in Drupal's Access Control.

If you have questions about how permission might be assigned, please ask here.

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