Windsor Over Peachtree

Annual Meeting 2009

12/10/2009 7:00 pm

: 6:30p
Location: The Social Room

The purpose of this meeting is to transact the business of the corporation as set forth on the following agenda:

Meet the Candidates, 2009-12-03

12/03/2009 7:00 pm

The social committee is hosting an hour with the candidates for the 2010 Windsor Board of Directors in the social room. Please join us to meet our neighbors who want to represent your interests as board members. This will be an opportunity to talk with them before the Annual Meeting.

Protest of Increased Dues

On 2009-11-29 I (Dave) received email by "Windsor Resident" (I'm guessing Jim Kuske) and thought should be posted here for future reference. I'm also adding the email replies it received, presented as comments to this post.

Message Board Reinstated at Windsor Website, 2009-06

[Update 2009-09: The Windsor message board is no longer an open forum (see comment, "I Spoke Too Soon".]

As part of a website update, the "official" Windsor website has reinstated (2009-06) the private (for logged in users only) message board that was removed almost two years ago. Kudo's to the new Board (2009) (and especially Candice Bullard?) for encouraging communication within our community.

Windsor Website for Us

This is Dave Barker, a neighbor of yours at the Windsor Over Peachtree. I thought you might be interested in a new opportunity for communication here at the Windsor (and I happen to have your email address).

Team Management

Team Management is the property management firm serving the Windsor since 2007-11-01. They succeed Piedmont Management.

Recyclables Drop Off Locations

Here are some places I know accept recyclables. Please update this page (or leave a comment) if you know of others.

Website Header, 2007-04-16

Website Header, 2007-04-16

This image was created by Jason Perry on 2007-04-16 as a first pass update to the default header provided with AtHomeNet's design.

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