Listen/Download (19 min)
It's inevitable that a category we created might not work as well as we thought. But deleting the category without a trace may have consequences. So we'll document retired categories here, just in case.
This is a comparison of how TOPS IWSS and Drupal are able to support our website feature proposals.
Array ( [code] => What PHP variables are available?[theme_path] => themes/garland [theme_info] => stdClass Object ( [filename] => themes/garland/ [name] => garland [type] => theme [status] => 1 [throttle] => 0 [bootstrap] => 0 [schema_version] => -1 [weight] => 0 [info] => Array ( [name] => Garland [description] => Tableless, recolorable, multi-column, fluid width theme (default). [version] => 6.31 [core] => 6.x [engine] => phptemplate [stylesheets] => Array ( [all] => Array ( [style.css] => themes/garland/style.css ) [print] => Array ( [print.css] => themes/garland/print.css ) ) [project] => drupal [datestamp] => 1397686953 [regions] => Array ( [left] => Left sidebar [right] => Right sidebar [content] => Content [header] => Header [footer] => Footer ) [features] => Array ( [0] => comment_user_picture [1] => favicon [2] => mission [3] => logo [4] => name [5] => node_user_picture [6] => search [7] => slogan [8] => primary_links [9] => secondary_links ) [scripts] => Array ( [script.js] => themes/garland/script.js ) [screenshot] => themes/garland/screenshot.png [php] => 4.3.5 ) [owner] => themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine [stylesheets] => Array ( [all] => Array ( [style.css] => themes/garland/style.css ) [print] => Array ( [print.css] => themes/garland/print.css ) ) [engine] => phptemplate ) [conf] => Array ( [theme_default] => garland [filter_html_1] => 1 [node_options_forum] => Array ( [0] => status ) [menu_secondary_links_source] => primary-links [drupal_http_request_fails] => [install_profile] => default [drupal_private_key] => 7301dfed8b069cd451ac941e6cb39296cb89da5b0b3c29977c00b71278231e74 [file_directory_temp] => //home/one/var/620/drupal/files/tmp [file_downloads] => 2 [op] => Save configuration [form_token] => 77a88a2db5642a5ce50c012820ad5ccc [clean_url] => 1 [cron_last] => 1419084001 [theme_settings] => Array ( [toggle_logo] => 1 [toggle_name] => 1 [toggle_slogan] => 0 [toggle_mission] => 0 [toggle_node_user_picture] => 0 [toggle_comment_user_picture] => 1 [toggle_search] => 0 [toggle_favicon] => 0 [toggle_node_info_event] => 1 [toggle_node_info_page] => 1 [toggle_node_info_image] => 1 [default_logo] => 0 [logo_path] => sites/ [logo_upload] => [default_favicon] => 1 [favicon_path] => [favicon_upload] => [op] => Save configuration [form_token] => 353805b903e450e9c669d7da8a5dc303 ) [site_mail] => "Neighbors @ 620 Peachtree"[site_mission] => [anonymous] => Anonymous [user_register] => 2 [user_email_verification] => 1 [user_registration_help] => [user_mail_register_no_approval_required_body] => !username, Thank you for registering at !site. You may now log in to !login_uri using the following username and password: username: !username password: !password You may also log in by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser: !login_url This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. After logging in, you will be redirected to !edit_uri so you can change your password. -- !site team [user_mail_password_reset_subject] => Replacement login information for !username at !site [user_mail_register_admin_created_body] => !username, A site administrator at !site has created an account for you. You may now log in to !login_uri using the following username and password: username: !username password: !password You may also log in by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser: !login_url This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. After logging in, you will be redirected to !edit_uri so you can change your password. -- !site team [user_mail_register_pending_approval_subject] => Account details for !username at !site (pending admin approval) [user_mail_register_pending_approval_body] => !username, Thank you for registering at !site. Your application for an account is currently pending approval. Once it has been granted, you may log in to !login_uri using the following username and password: username: !username password: !password You may also log in by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser: !login_url This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. After logging in, you may wish to change your password at !edit_uri -- !site team [user_mail_register_no_approval_required_subject] => Account details for !username at !site [user_mail_password_reset_body] => !username, A request to reset the password for your account has been made at !site. You may now log in to !uri_brief clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser: !login_url This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used. After logging in, you will be redirected to !edit_uri so you can change your password. [menu_masks] => Array ( [0] => 62 [1] => 61 [2] => 59 [3] => 58 [4] => 56 [5] => 44 [6] => 31 [7] => 30 [8] => 29 [9] => 24 [10] => 23 [11] => 21 [12] => 15 [13] => 14 [14] => 11 [15] => 7 [16] => 6 [17] => 5 [18] => 3 [19] => 2 [20] => 1 ) [menu_expanded] => Array ( ) [menu_default_node_menu] => navigation [menu_primary_links_source] => primary-links [user_pictures] => 1 [user_picture_path] => pictures [user_picture_default] => [user_picture_dimensions] => 85x85 [user_picture_file_size] => 30 [user_picture_guidelines] =>
Optional: Please provide a photo representative of yourself so others may recognize you both online and in person. [node_options_page] => Array ( [0] => status [1] => revision ) [comment_page] => 2 [upload_page] => 1 [op_page] => Save content type [form_token_page] => d5109e06315f6ff14b1432ed87d5288f [file_directory_path] => sites/ [comment_default_order_page] => 2 [comment_default_per_page_page] => 50 [comment_controls_page] => 3 [comment_anonymous_page] => 1 [comment_subject_field_page] => 1 [comment_preview_page] => 0 [comment_form_location_page] => 0 [update_access_fixed] => 1 [node_options_image] => Array ( [0] => status [1] => revision ) [comment_image] => 2 [upload_image] => 1 [op_image] => Save content type [form_token_image] => d5109e06315f6ff14b1432ed87d5288f [comment_default_mode_page] => 4 [image_updated] => 1173123307 [site_frontpage] => node [taxonomy_html_overview_vocab] => Array ( ) [taxonomy_html_overview_title] => Categories [taxonomy_html_overview_columns] => 1 [taxonomy_html_show_node_count] => 1 [taxonomy_html_show_empty_terms] => 0 [rebuild] => Rebuild permissions [default_nodes_main] => 10 [teaser_length] => 600 [node_preview] => 0 [notify_send] => 604800 [notify_attempts] => 5 [requery] => Requery Now [notify_send_last] => 1168981201 [releasemonitor_freq] => 24 [releasemonitor_showcvs] => 1 [node_cron_comments_scale] => 0.04 [upload_max_resolution] => 0 [upload_list_default] => 1 [upload_uploadsize_default] => 800 [upload_usersize_default] => 800 [roles] => Array ( [2] => authenticated user ) [upload_extensions_2] => jpg jpeg gif png txt html doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp [upload_uploadsize_2] => 1 [upload_usersize_2] => 1 [event_nodeapi_event] => all [node_options_event] => Array ( [0] => status [1] => revision ) [comment_event] => 2 [upload_event] => 1 [event_timezone_display] => event [event_timezone_input] => site [date_default_timezone] => -18000 [configurable_timezones] => 0 [date_format_short] => m/d/Y - g:ia [date_format_medium] => Y, F j - g:ia [date_format_long] => l, j F Y - g:ia [date_first_day] => 0 [event_ampm] => 1 [event_upcoming_limit] => 6 [event_overview] => month [event_table_duration] => 30 [event_type_control] => never [javascript_parsed] => Array ( ) [user_block_whois_new_count] => 8 [subscriptions_omitted_taxa] => Array ( ) [subscriptions_omitted_content_types] => Array ( ) [subscriptions_site_mail] => [subscriptions_watchgood] => 1 [subscriptions_testpost] => 0 [subscriptions_mainmenu] => 1 [subscriptions_usersmenu] => 1 [site_offline] => 0 [statistics_enable_access_log] => 1 [statistics_day_timestamp] => 1419051601 [statistics_flush_accesslog_timer] => 9676800 [statistics_count_content_views] => 1 [cache] => 0 [cache_lifetime] => 0 [preprocess_css] => [taxonomy_context_use_style] => 0 [taxonomy_context_show_term] => 1 [taxonomy_context_show_subterms] => 1 [taxonomy_context_node_block] => 0 [upload_extensions_default] => jpg jpeg gif png txt html doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp mp3 mp4 m4a eml [event_taxonomy_control] => all [statistics_block_top_day_num] => 4 [statistics_block_top_all_num] => 4 [statistics_block_top_last_num] => 4 [event_nodeapi_page] => never [taxonomy_context_inline_page] => 0 [taxonomy_context_breadcrumb_page] => 0 [taxonomy_context_block_display_2] => 0 [taxonomy_context_block_display_1] => 1 [image_default_path] => images [image_sizes] => Array ( [_original] => Array ( [width] => [height] => [label] => Original [link] => 1 [operation] => scale ) [thumbnail] => Array ( [label] => Thumbnail [width] => 100 [height] => 100 [link] => 1 [operation] => scale ) [preview] => Array ( [label] => Preview [width] => 640 [height] => 640 [link] => 1 [operation] => scale ) ) [node_cron_last_nid] => 132 [system_update_1022] => 1 [node_cron_views_scale] => 3.4620045006059E-5 [update_last_check] => 1419001205 [site_slogan] => [site_name] => Neighbors @ 620 Peachtree [site_footer] => Neighbors @ 620 Peachtree is independent of the Windsor Over Peachtree HOA and its website. [subscriptions_number_of_mails] => 0 [subscriptions_watchstats] => 1 [subscriptions_restricted_taxa] => Array ( ) [subscriptions_form_in_block] => 0 [subscriptions_form_link_only] => 0 [subscriptions_form_expanded] => 0 [subscriptions_show_by_author_options] => 0 [subscriptions_unlisted_content_types] => Array ( ) [subscriptions_blocked_content_types] => Array ( ) [subscriptions_blocked_nodes] => [subscriptions_generate_full_node] => 0 [site_offline_message] => Neighbors @ 620 Peachtree is currently under maintenance. We should be back shortly. Thank you for your patience. [update_d6_requirements] => 1 [css_js_query_string] => LcHASibs8xFBZIkzoQwh [install_task] => done [user_mail_register_admin_created_subject] => An administrator created an account for you at !site [event_range_prev] => Array ( [year] => 2007 [month] => 01 [day] => 25 [hour] => 18 [minute] => 00 [second] => 00 ) [event_range_next] => Array ( [year] => 2009 [month] => 12 [day] => 10 [hour] => 19 [minute] => 00 [second] => 00 ) [views_defaults] => Array ( [tracker] => 1 ) [node_cron_last] => 1251642545 [user_mail_status_activated_notify] => 1 [views_block_hashes] => Array ( ) [date_default_timezone_id] => 479 [date_format_short_custom] => m/d/Y - g:ia [date_format_medium_custom] => Y, F j - g:ia [date_format_long_custom] => l, j F Y - g:ia [user_mail_status_activated_subject] => Account details for !username at !site (approved) [user_mail_status_activated_body] => !username, Your account at !site has been activated. You may now log in by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it in your browser: !login_url This is a one-time login, so it can be used only once. After logging in, you will be redirected to !edit_uri so you can change your password. Once you have set your own password, you will be able to log in to !login_uri in the future using: username: !username [user_mail_status_blocked_notify] => 0 [user_mail_status_blocked_subject] => Account details for !username at !site (blocked) [user_mail_status_blocked_body] => !username, Your account on !site has been blocked. [user_mail_status_deleted_notify] => 0 [user_mail_status_deleted_subject] => Account details for !username at !site (deleted) [user_mail_status_deleted_body] => !username, Your account on !site has been deleted. [user_signatures] => 0 [subscriptions_workflow_page] => Array ( [0] => n_new [1] => n_unpub [2] => n_pub [3] => c_new [4] => c_unpub [5] => c_pub ) [show_preview_changes_page] => 1 [show_diff_inline_page] => 0 [enable_revisions_page_page] => 1 [form_build_id_page] => form-16d5ce6bd5ae6b2d8eb0964283023114 [subscriptions_default_workflow_page] => Array ( [n_new] => n_new [n_unpub] => n_unpub [n_pub] => n_pub [c_new] => c_new [c_unpub] => c_unpub [c_pub] => c_pub ) [subscriptions_workflow_image] => Array ( [0] => n_new [1] => n_unpub [2] => n_pub [3] => c_new [4] => c_unpub [5] => c_pub ) [show_preview_changes_image] => 1 [show_diff_inline_image] => 0 [enable_revisions_page_image] => 1 [form_build_id_image] => form-a1b7c81b6190bb8b79b3a138bfbca73e [comment_default_mode_image] => 4 [comment_default_order_image] => 1 [comment_default_per_page_image] => 50 [comment_controls_image] => 3 [comment_anonymous_image] => 0 [comment_subject_field_image] => 1 [comment_preview_image] => 1 [comment_form_location_image] => 0 [event_nodeapi_image] => never [subscriptions_default_workflow_image] => Array ( [n_new] => n_new [n_unpub] => n_unpub [n_pub] => n_pub [c_new] => c_new [c_unpub] => c_unpub [c_pub] => c_pub ) [subscriptions_workflow_event] => Array ( [0] => n_new [1] => n_unpub [2] => n_pub [3] => c_new [4] => c_unpub [5] => c_pub ) [show_preview_changes_event] => 1 [show_diff_inline_event] => 0 [enable_revisions_page_event] => 1 [form_build_id_event] => form-f07c7e581dc05b3d605dc47011ec439f [comment_default_mode_event] => 4 [comment_default_order_event] => 1 [comment_default_per_page_event] => 50 [comment_controls_event] => 3 [comment_anonymous_event] => 0 [comment_subject_field_event] => 1 [comment_preview_event] => 1 [comment_form_location_event] => 0 [subscriptions_default_workflow_event] => Array ( [n_new] => n_new [n_unpub] => n_unpub [n_pub] => n_pub [c_new] => c_new [c_unpub] => c_unpub [c_pub] => c_pub ) [html_export_available_views] => Array ( ) [html_export_available_types] => Array ( ) [html_export_other_paths] =>[html_export_dom_remove] => ) [old_theme_path] => modules/taxonomy )
Note: This page is not for the discussion of what categories we'd like our webpage to have. For that, see "Organizing Our Website". This page discusses implementation issues.
Categories are assigned to resources (such as webpages) in order to organize our site. This functionality is provided by Drupal's Taxonomy module.
Categories can then be assigned properties, such as access permissions or site navigation hints, that will then be inherited by the resource they're assinged to. In this way, the behaviour of resources on our site can changed anytime by simply assigning the resource to any number of categories.
Note: See the Categories page for a live list of categories that currently make up our site.
This is a log of the customizations made to create our site.
This custom website is built with Drupal, "a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website."
Specific permissions are assigned to roles by webmasters in Drupal's Access Control.
If you have questions about how permission might be assigned, please ask here.
After installing Drupal 5, you're presented with some initial configuration tasks.
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2011, January 26 - 5:04pm
2011, January 13 - 5:48pm
2010, March 12 - 12:53am
2010, March 11 - 9:49pm
2009, November 30 - 3:32pm
2009, November 30 - 3:09pm
2009, November 30 - 1:01pm
2009, November 30 - 10:50am
2009, November 30 - 10:29am
2009, November 29 - 10:15pm