Technology (Website)

URL Issues, 2007-03-04

On 2007-03-04, I (Dave) sent an email to Support at AtHomeNet regarding problems I noticed with our URLs (domains).

TOPS Interactive Web Site Service

TOPS Interactive Web Site Service (IWSS) is a website platform targeting property managers. It's a product of TOPS Software and is sold and supported by AtHomeNet (reference).


AtHomeNet sells and supports TOPS Interactive Web Site Service (reference), a website platform for property management.

Call for "Web Geeks"

It was suggested at our first website meeting that if we could get together enough interested "web geeks" from our building, we could entertain creating a custom website for ourselves.

Sound interesting? You don't have to be an expert—an interest and some time is all you need. We will help each other learn what we need to do. Things like:

TOPS IWSS vs Drupal

This is a comparison of how TOPS IWSS and Drupal are able to support our website feature proposals.

Website Platform: Packaged or Custom?

We know we want a website. We can talk about what we'd like our website to do. But upon what platform do we build this out?


I noticed Drupal's watchdog log filling up with "File not found"s for "/favicon.ico". Seems some web browsers ask for this file even tough we never told them it was there to get.

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