URL Issues, 2007-03-04

On 2007-03-04, I (Dave) sent an email to Support at AtHomeNet regarding problems I noticed with our URLs (domains).

Request to AtHomeNet

My name is Dave Barker and I've been helping a customer of yours, the Windsor Over Peachtree, with their website. I've noticed a few issues that I hope you can resolve.

Fix 620peachtree.org

http://620peachtree.org/ (and http://www.620peachtree.org/) is currently (2007-03-04) serving content from http://piedmontmanagement.com/.

Establish a Canonical URL

The Windsor's website with you (AtHomeNet) is served under at least the following URLs:

We would rather that:

Should be canonical (the only domain our website is served from)
All Other URLs Currently Serving Our Site
Redirect to our canonical domain (http://620peachtree.org/) using HTTP Code 301 (Moved Permanently)

From what other URLs is our site being served?

Improved URL for Homepage

Do not redirect from the root of our site (http://domain/) to the functional homepage at /windsorover/outside_home.asp. Instead, serve the content of the functional homepage under our root. (Also, send a 307 (Temporary Redirect) from /windsorover/outside_home.asp pointing to our root.)

Thanks for looking into these issues. I look forward to your

Reply from AtHomeNet

The next day, the following reply was received.

All domains rerouted to 620peachtree.org. If your question/request has not been completely resolved, please reply back to this email to re-open your case.

Please note that this website is on our Pointer Plan which includes support and configuration settings for one domain name only. We do not build customised websites nor do we update our settings to include :
using HTTP Code 301 (Moved Permanently) as per
