Original Text of Documents

Documents on the web are best served as HTML (vs. PDF or MS Word), and the following was an attempt to acquire or create an HTML version of some of the Windsor's important documents.

Dave Allen Barker Jr wrote, On 04/13/2007 3:54 PM:

The files you provided of the Windsor articles, bylaws, and declaration do not contain text. They are collections of images of document pages. Because of this, I cannot copy and paste their contents (because there's no text to copy, only images of text).

Do we have those documents in another electronic form? Surely we have the originals, ones that would allow us to make changes in the future?

Maria Kujawa wrote, On 04/16/2007 11:23 AM:

The Declarations are recorded documents and changes may not be made to them without a vote of the homeowners. Was this your question? They can be attached as a pdf file.

Dave Allen Barker Jr wrote, On 04/16/2007 11:10 AM:

Maybe this could be made clearer in person, but I'll give it one more try. :^)

I suggested we must already have a text form of these documents available somewhere, not because I think they should be modified outside of the procedures you mentioned, but because only a text form of the documents can be changed, and I'm sure they will be someday.

For example, suppose those documents were originally authored in Microsoft Word. Word is an example of a text file format I'm looking for. What you provided me appears to be scanned images of printouts of the original Word documents on-file with the government.

It would be great to have the documents in some electronic text form. What you provided me were electronic images (of text). Text is superior to images because text can be searched, copied and pasted, and converted to other formats. With text, I can convert the documents to html, where they will be more accessible, searchable, and linkable on our website.

Thanks for working with me on this!

Maria Kujawa wrote, On 04/16/2007 2:08 PM:

Only the attorney who created the document would have the text format. I will see if PaperPort will allow me to convert them.