Communications Committee

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee will meet on the last Wednesday in each month at 6:30 PM. We need volunteers for the Website, Social, and Floor Captains sub-committees.

Message Board Removal at the Windsor Website, 2007-11

The private (logged in users only) message board at the official Windsor website was dropped near the end of 2007, having been available only half a year. Many of us were excited this common avenue of communication was available to our community, though an influential minority (of 1?) did not like the idea. What follows are discussions available to me (Dave) highlighting this divide.

Communications Committee Meeting, 2007-03-28

03/28/2007 6:30 pm

Location: Conference Room

This meeting was recorded

Flier for Announcement of Website

Here is a flier I made to announce to our community the existence of our website. It's a first step in our roll-out of website effort.

Commuanications Committee Meeting

02/28/2007 6:30 pm

Location: Conference Room


Roll-Out of Website

Let's discuss the roll-out plan for our website.

Initial Meeting of the Communications Committee

01/31/2007 6:30 pm

This meeting was recorded (audio)


Website Feature Proposals

What features should our website poses?

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