Revision of Interests In Recycling for the Windsor from 2008, February 29 - 12:04pm

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.

This is a place to coordinate effort to get recycling at the Windsor. Currently, recyclables must be dropped off by individuals around town.

At the 2008-02-28 Borad Meeting, Property Manager Anne Dover mentioned that Allied Waste, who manages our solid waste, offers recycling for $30 per month per container. The containers, 95 gallon "Herbie Curbies", could be placed on the "sidewalk" along side the building towards the doors of the loading dock. It was not clear what recyclables they collect, how they must be sorted, and how many containers we would need.

Another possibility is to work with the Pollution Prevention Assistance Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and their Sustainable Office Toolkit. We were told, "Once you gather this information, someone from my office could begin to work with you on how to get your program going and understand the cost/benefit of paying less for trash and possibly making some money on recyclables (or at least not paying to throw it away)." Jessica has already gathered most of the information they'd need.

Lisa Sawyer, a former Board member, mentioned the City of Atlanta's recycling program, but we haven't heard any more yet.

Finally, here's the post that got this all started 2007-11-12:

Many have commented and thought about recycling with really no clear way to get started. So this is the official start. I am concerned about recycling for our building and am willing to look into how we can collectively get started! Jessica


Dave Allen Barker Jr's picture

Thanks for Speaking Up About Recycling

Thanks Jessica, for starting this discussion! Let's leave comments here to share ideas and edit this page to document what we've learned.

I've created another page documenting where we can drop off recyclables until we get our building on board.

I've also asked a friend who works for the state to give us some pointers on how to get started. Hopefully we'll see some information from him here soon too.

Windsor Recycling

I work with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and one of your residents told me of your interest in starting a recycling program. There are a few things that you can do to get a start.
1) Work with your property manager to get data on how much trash (in tons or cubic yards) is thrown away annually and how much it costs. (Use some recent set of 12 months of bills.)
2) Gather information on the number of units & residents in the Windsor and how many are occupied. Mgt should be able to let you know that the Windsor, for example, has an average occupancy rate of 92%. Matching this time frame up with the trash bills is ideal.
3) Write up a concise description of the waste management system in your building. Do you have trash chutes? What happens when a dumpster is full? Who is the trash hauler? What size dumpster(s)? How often is it hauled away? What is the space at your dock for separate recycling containers? Is the commercial property at the bottom of Windsor handled together with residential trash?

Once you gather this information, someone from my office could begin to work with you on how to get your program going and understand the cost/benefit of paying less for trash and possibly making some money on recyclables (or at least not paying to throw it away).

Please see the waste reduction module of our Toolkit for more information:

jessica's picture

Waste Information from Team Management collected by Jessica

I contacted Anne Dover in the management office and she gave me the following info to answer the above questions.

1. Don't have info yet on how much waste in cubic yards or tons
2. We have 263 units and have about 85% occupancy with some of that being part time. (some tenants are only here part of the time)
3. a.)We have trash chutes accessible to every floor.
b.) The dumpster is changed out daily. We have 8 dumpsters available.
c.) Our trash hauler is Allied Waste
d.) Each dumpster is a 4 footer.
e.) Allied picks up daily.
f.) The space is available for recycle containers but that still needs to be discussed.
g.)All commercial property shares Allied Waste with Windsor except Broadway Diner.

Stay tuned for the next installment of Recyling at the Windsor!

City of Atlatna's Recycling Program


I have some great information from City of Atlanta's recycling program.

I will get all the information together and we can pick a time to get together and discuss this (it's long overdue)

Windsor's New Recycling Program

This is my first time on the website and I'm excited to see that there's already a discussion on how to recycle at Windsor. It looks like no one's posted in a long time, but hopefully people will still get this information. I'm the chair of the Green Team and have been working on getting a successful recycling program started. We currently have recycling bins on the sidewalk in the loading dock area- 3 for paper, 4 for other recyclables.

Here's the email I put together for If you are interested in helping, please contact me (Candice).

The Windsor Over Peachtree is the proud provider of a new recycling program. The program was brought about in large part by a city ordinance signed November 13, 2007 mandating that multi-family dwellings accept recyclables. The building must collect at least all items collected by the City of Atlanta (paper, aluminum, glass, and plastics). In response to this mandate, the Windsor has signed on with Allied Waste Management and CONservation EXcellence Recycling Corporation (CONEX). Recyclables must be separated per type. All papers (newspaper, phonebooks, magazines, office paper, junk mail, and catalogs) must go into the bins labeled "Newspaper/Office Paper Only." Other recyclables (aluminum cans, foil, pie pans, plastic containers and bottles, glass, stell/tin cans) must be placed in the bins labeled "Plastic, Glass, and Aluminum." For convenience, the trash can located in the mail room is now a paper recycling only bin. Recycling guidelines are also posted in trash chute rooms. Please do not remove the guidelines from this locations- pamphlets are being created to explain the recycling program in full detail for all residents.

For increased convenience, the Green Team is working on implementing a door-to-door reycling pick-up program. A nominal yearly fee (early estimations range from $100-200 per year or $2-$4 per week) will be charged for residents participating in this program. If a resident chooses not to participate, they can continue to bring their recylables downstairs to the loading dock. This program will allow residents to collect and separate their two types of recyclables (paper vs. all other) in small bins within their condos. On Tuesdays, residents will place their bins in the hallway immediately in front of their doors. When residents return home from work, their bins will be empty waiting to be brought back inside their condos. Stickers will be provided by the Green Team to be placed on the bins indicating which condo unit the bins belong to, and indicating the resident has paid for this service. Stolen bins will be returned to the rightful owners and repeat bin thieves will be fined as appropriate to discourage bin theft. The price of the door-to-door service depends on the number of residents participating (the more residents, the lower the cost). If you are interested in participating in the door-to-door recycling pick-up program please contact Candice Bullard at so that a more accurate yearly fee can be assessed.

The Green Team is also working on introducing compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), low-flow showerheads, and other energy-saving, earth-friendly methods in future months. If you are interested in helping with the Green Team, please contact Candice.

Recycling grocery bags?

Hi Candice - can I put the plastic grocery bags I get from Publix (HDPE 2) in the Plastic/Glass/Aluminum container?

Claudia #2006


i think i answered this for you in person since August, but for everyone else: plastic bags may be put in the plastic/glass/aluminum container. Also, most grocery stores have a recycling bin available for plastic bags only. Thanks for the question!


Dave Allen Barker Jr's picture

Welcome Green Team Chair!

Wow, what great things you've been doing, Candice. Thank you!

I'm glad you went ahead and have used this website. It's been collecting dust for a while, but there's nothing like new interest to get me and others motivated to make more of it. I think this platform has a lot to offer and look forward to any contributions you make.

Because I think your comment was so informational, I went ahead and created three new pages out of it, so they can take on a life of their own (with their own revisions and comments).

I've also marked this page as being retired for historical reference (since we're beyond just "Interests in Recycling" now, and think further discussion on our in-place recycling program can take on its own page.