| XIMLM | OVER PEACHTREE vkwns RESIDENCE; OF Mlmaw | Dear Windsor Over Peachtree I-Xameownerg ` Welcome to The Wiudsor Over Peachtree Condaminium Association! Knowing that you had ~ several communities Rom which to chooses we are delighted that you chose The Windsor Over Peachtree as your home. As a new homeowner in this association, please become familiar with your association documents` These documents, which include the Declaration of Condominium, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations? outline the responsibilities of both the homeowner and the association. Piedmont Management Associatesq LLC is pleased to be selected as the management company for your Community Association. The management team is committed to delivering the best possible community management service. The quality of your experience as a homeawner of The Windsor Over Peachtree Condominium Association depends largely on your knowledge of what you can expect from us, and what we can expect from you and your participation as a resident ofthis community. Please take the time to review this manual thoroughly. This Homeowner Manual has been designed as a reference tool to assist you in using the buildings facilities, and explains such things as move-in procedures, parking policies, amenities, and other available services. Most of this information can be found on the Windsor websitc at wwwA620peachn-ee.org. If you need clarification or additional details about any issue~ please feel free to call the management office. Welcome Home. Sincerely, Maria Kuj awa Association Manager 62 O PEACHTREE STREET, NE = ATLANTA, GA smog = Phnns MM 881.6654 fax | | ` > - TABLE OF CONTENTS Phone directozy Management Company Phone/Fax|^~R. 3 Management Company Address and Hours`|^~R..|^~R.4|^~R. 3 Overview |^~R.,|^~R...|^~R. 4 Emergency Telephone Numbers |^~R. 5 Important Telephone Numbers|^~R. 5 Financial Matters|^~R. 6 About The Windsor Condominium Association |^~R. 7 Insurance |^~R. 8 Leasing and Selling Units|^~R..|^~R. 9 Moves |^~R..|^~R. 10 Living at The Wixldsor Admission Policies |^~R. I] Amenities Conference Room |^~R..|^~R. I2 ' Social Roam |^~R. 12 Fitness Center|^~R. 12 Paul|^~R.4|^~R..|^~R.,|^~R. 12 Amenities: Rules |^~R. l3 Common Areas |^~R. }4 Services |^~R. I6 Policies and Procedures|^~R. l7 Deliveries|^~R.,|^~R...|^~R. IS Entry |^~R..|^~R.,|^~R..|^~R..|^~R. I9 Parking|^~R..|^~R. 2} Pets |^~R..|^~R..|^~R. 24 Arch itectura} Controls |^~R. 25 Emergency Severe Weather Wamings |^~R. 28 Procedures & Evacuation Plan |^~R. 29 Maintenance Maintenance in Your Unit |^~R. 31 Maintenance Responsibility |^~R. 32 Maintenance Services |^~R. 33 Water Leaks|^~R. 36 Maintenance Tips |^~R. 37 6ll4l2oo7 2 * MANAGEMENT OFFICE Telephone Numbers Management Office 404-881-6654 Fax 404~872^5721 Coucierge 404-88 1-6655 Business Center Fax 404-892-I 155 Ofice Hours 9:00am-5 :00pm Monday-Wednesday 9:()Oam-6:00pm Thursday 9:00am~l2:00N Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday * > Maintenance emergency, please call the Management Office at 404~SS1-6654, or after hours call the Concierge at 404-881-6655. If life or property is in jeopardy, please call 911 immediately. Address The Windsor Over Peachtree Condominium Association, Inc. Attention: Management Office 620 Peachtrec Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30308 Website wuw4620geachl1~ee.arg Emuil wopmanage1~(<@bellsouU1net Copier, Fax, Computer You are welcome to use the copier, fax, and computer in the Business Center; however, we ask that you be considerate of others waiting to use the equipment. Please sign in. The Business Center fax number is 404-892-1155. There is a charge of 10 cents for copies/faxes. 6/14/zoov 3 OVERVIEW Hyau are a new homeowner, please read this overviewjlrsrjlzr uj@w impurtanlfacts and a quick introduction to The Wimlror. Most qflhe items in the overview are covered in detail elsewhere in this manual New Owners All new owners must submit a copy of their settlement statement to the Management Office, schedule elevator move-in time and submit a $400.00 damage deposit check, which is rehmdable if them is no damage to the elevator or common areas. The elevator measures S4'sh x 42**w x 86**d frcnt to back. (See Moves) Controlled Access The Windsor is a controlled access community. The parking deck entrances and elevator lobby doers require a controlled gate card or remcte to allow access into the building. Please do not give your gate card or remote to anyone. A lost gate card may be replaced at a cost of $25 and a remote is $50. Please notify the Management Office or Front Desk immediately if an access card/remote is lost or stolen. All guests/visitors/contractors must sign in with the Concierge upon entering the building. Connections - Owner responsibilities Phone Servke Please contact Bcllsouth at 1-888-757-6500. Cable Television Service Please contact Comcast at 770-559-2000. 1/Wreless Internet ServJZ`e Please contact your service provider. Wilri is available on the Mezzanine Floor only. High-speed lntemet (DSL) service: Contact AT&T or your own internet provider. Comcast provides cable broadband service. Electric The Management Office will set up your account widr ISTA, a submeterlng 3`d-party billing service. The account must be in the name afthe hameowner. The Association has a master meter for electricity. Individual unit electric submeters are read and billed by ISTA. The gas for heating the Water for heat and hot water is paid by the Association. 6/14/2007 4 . PHONE DIRECTORY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS PoIicelFire/Axnbulance |^~R.||^~R..|^~RA.|^~R.911 Georgia Poison Control Center (Grady Health Systems) |^~R.404-616-9000 Atlanta Gas Light (Gas leaks) |^~R. .|^~R. 770-907-4231 Huspitals: Emory University Hospital |^~R.404-712-7021 Crawfard Long Hospital |^~R..|^~R.4|^~R..|^~R. 404-686-441] Northside Hospital |^~R..|^~R.404-851-8000 Piedmont Hospital Emergency |^~R.404-605-3297 St Joseplfs Hospital of Atlanta|^~R..|^~R.404-851-7001 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Comcast Cable |^~R.770~3 12- I999 Digital Wireless |^~R. .|^~R.877-836-2006 AT&T Broadband |^~R.678-545-2289 ISTA Energy Service (Electric Sub-metering) |^~R. 1-866-737-4943 Georgia Power for outages only .|^~R. I-888-89] -0938 Bellsouth (Telephone Service) |^~R.838-655-5888 Bellscuth Past Access Intemet Service`|^~R.A|^~R.888-32]-2375 Atlanta Journal & Constitution |^~R..|^~R..|^~R.404-522-4141 MARTA (Schedule Infommtian)|^~R. 404-8484711 Federal Express |^~R.,|^~R..|^~R.||^~R..|^~R. 800-463-3339 Airborne Express |^~R..|^~R.A|^~R. 800-247-2676 UPS |^~R..|^~R..|^~R. 800-742-5877 U.SA Post Office |^~R.A|^~R.800-2758777 > Post Office for The Windsor Over Peachtree Residents - Civic Center Station - Phone 404-685-9335 570 Piedmont Avenue, NE, Atlauta, GA 30308 MAILING ADDRESS: > Your new address for The Windsor Over Peachtree is: 620 Peachtree Road NE, Unit # Atlanta, GA 30308 6/I4/2007 5 FINANCIAL MATTERS Association Dues Monthly fees are due on the lst of each month and late if not received by the ID"'. Checks must have your unit number on them and be made payable to: > "The Windsor Over Peachtree Condominiuxn Association, Inc." We do not send monthly invoices. Please mail your check with your coupon to the address on the coupon. For your convenience, there is a dmp box lomted next to the Management Office on the Mezzanlne level. The Windsor makes it possible to pay by direct clebit of your bank account. The monthly fee is debited on the S"' of the month. Please see the Management Office or website to complete the necessary form for this service. The Windsor also makes it possible to pay online at www.62OEeachtree.or(=I with electronic check or credit card (the bank charges a transaction fee for credit cards). Select "Make A Payment'. Select your association. Enter your unit number when it asks for your account number. You may pay incidental charges for maintenance, etc. online. Delinquent Dues All dues and related charges including ISTA not paid on or before the due date shall be dellnquenu and the Owner shall be in default. A late charge of ten (10%) percent of the monthly dues not paid in full will be assessed alter the tenth (10th) day of the month. Past due balances will be charged interest at the rate of 10%. Accounts 30 days past due will be sent to the attorney for collection. All costs of collection are the responsibility of the homeowner. Retumed checks will be charged a $35.00 fee. Incidental Fees Incidental fees - such as in unit maintenance and engineering services, additional key copies. lost mailbox key and additional gate cards - are billed to your account and due immediately. 6/I4/zoo? 6 About The Windsor CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Your rights and responsibilities as a homeawner and those ofthe Association are formally described in the Declaration of Condominium for The Windsor Over Peachtree. You should have received a copy ofthis document at the closing of your unit. If you did not receive one or if you have misplaced your copy, you can purchase another one from the Management Office. The gavemance of The Windsor Over Peachtree Condominium Association, Inc. is set out in its By-Laws. The By-Laws are incorporated in the Declaration document. The affaits of the Association are governed by a Board of Directors, whose members are elected by the homeowners. The Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the building. The Board of Directars has always hired professional management to supervise the operation Of the building. The Association Managefs responsibilities include such matters as maintenance and repair of the building and its equipment, contracting with vendors and service providers, ensuring the buildings safety and secudty, developing and implementing an annual budget and a long-term budget, and dealing with the needs of the individual hmneownex-sA The Board of Directors sets the overall directicn, policies and specific rules of the Association with the help of committees of the Board. Those cammittees include: Architectural Control, Finance/Management, Operations/Front Desk, and Communications. Homeowners are encouraged to volunteer to serve on a committee` Committees meet when necessary and meeting times are posted on the website. The Association holds an Annual Meeting for Homeowners, typically in the last quarter of the year. The Board of Djrectors meets monthly on the fourth Thursday at 6:00pm. Homeowners are welcome to present issues to the Board ofDirectors, provided they give written notice to the Management Office at least one week prior to the Board meeting. 6/I4/2007 V 7 INSURANCE The following information is meant only as a general guidance regarding the Association*s coverage. We strongly recommend that you work with your own agent or insurance company to make sure you have the appropriate insurance coverage. If you have questions about the Association? coverage, call the Associatianss agent) Arme McLemore at 404~53l-54754 In General You are responsible for your unit as described in the Declaration of Condominium, all personal property in your unit and storage unit, if applicable, as well as any customized work performed on your unit. The Association's building insurance does not cover those items. (refer to Declaxation of Condominium, Section 4 and Section 11) Associutitm Cavzruge The Association has a master policy which covers the building smwture and common areas. The deductible is $10,000 per incident` Ynur Coverage Proof of Unit owner's insurance as stated in the Declaration is required for each owner, also known as an HO-6 policy. Your policy should include: Coverage A - Property. Covers damage to those portions of your Unit which are not insured by the ASSOCialjOn'S policy, including betterments and improvements. Coverage B - Liability Coverage C 7 Personal Property and deductible coverage. The Lass Assessment Coverage of your policy should respond to the deductibles on the Associatiods master policy that are mentioned above. The deductible amount of a claim on the Associatiorfs policy can be charged to the Unit owner under the Georgia Condominjum Act. Please fax your certificate of insurance page to Management at 404-872-5721 annually. 6/}4/1007 8 LEASING AND SELLING UNITS The Management Oflice has specific procedures that you must follow if you plan to lease or sell your unit. Those procedures are intended to make it easier for you to comply with the Associatiorfs requirements and to ensure the bujlding'shsecurity. The procedures are outlined below. You should also read about your responsibilities as a lesser or seller, which are described in the Declaration of Condominlum. Leasing Your Unit 1. Notify the Management Ofllce in writing by email or letter of your desire to lease. 2. The Board ofDirectors must approve all requests for leasing. 3. You must provide a copy of the proposed lease you intend to use 7 days in advance for approval. A Lease must be for a minimum one-year grind. There is a master meter for electric utility. The sub-metering utility bills will remain in the name of the homeowner. 4. Provide the Management Office With the name and phone number of the real estate agent who is authorized to show your unit. 5. Provide the Management Office your new permanent or temporary address and all contact information. 6. Upon signing the lease, give the Management Ofllce: a. A copy of the lease b. A completed Resident Profile and Vehicle Registration Form. c. Schedule elevator time and submit a $400.00 damage deposit. d. All contact information for you and your tenants. Selling Yuur Unit 1. Give the Management Omce or Concierge your written authorization allowing your listing agent to enter your unit. 2. Provide the selling company with a key to your home. The selling company may use a key lock box that is kept at the from desk. 3. The listing agent is required to accompany all prospective purchasers when visiting The Windsor Over Peachtree. Management will assist in providing information concerning budget, amenities, and association fees. Please note that the Management Office is not staffed to accompany prospective purchasers to view the properly. 4. Please remember that you are responsible for sales agents and prospective buyers while they are viewing your property. 5. You are responsible for transferring all keys, garage rernotes and gate cards, association documents and homeovvnefs manual to the new owner or lessee. If you need to replace any of these items, they can be purchased in the Management Office. 6/14/2007 9 MOVES Elevator - Move ins/outs & deliveries The freight elevator MUST be reserved in advance for move-ins, move-outs, or large deliveries, and is available on a first-come~first-served basis. The elevator measures 84h x 42w x 36d. Please contact the Management Office during regular business hours at least 24 hours in advance to schedule the elevator. All residents are required to submit a moving deposit check of $400.00, which will be refunded provided there is no damage to the elevator or common areas. The elevator may be reserved for a 3-hour period. Moves exceeding the 3-hours will be charged $50.00 per hour. Moves are permitted only during the following times: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 5:0()p.m. Saturday-Sunday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. No moves are permitted on Sundays or Holidays. No exceptions. No moves or deliveries of furniture are permitted through the lobby or on the passenger elevators. No after-hours moves are permitted. Unscheduled deliveries will result in a service fee of $25.00. Violators will be fined. Leasing It shall be the responsibility of the tmit owner to advise the Management Office ofhis/her intention to lease. No condominium may be rented to any prospective tenant without first delivering a copy of the intended lease to the Management Oftice 7 days prior to signing the lease for Board approval, and complying with all of the rules and regulations concerning leasing that are outlined in the Associationes documents. A lease must be for a minimum one-year period. Electric utilities will remain in the name of the homeowner. Prior to the move-in of a new tenant, the unit owner and/or prospective tenant shall complete and submit 'to the Management Office the following: > The proposed condominium lease (minimum ofone year), 7 days prior to signing the lease for Board approval > A completed Resident Profile and Vehicle Registration Form > All contact information for homeowner and tenants > Schedule elevator time and submit a $400 damage deposit > A sigged copy of the lease > Pay $100 new lease move-in/move-out fee. Sale of Units All unit owners should inform the Management Office of their intent to sell and the contact information of the realtor in addition to the llomeownerss new contact information. 6/I4/Zoo? 10 Living at The Windsor ADMISSION POLICIES Security is vitally impormnt at The Windsor. No visitor will be admitted without written permission` We ask that you carefully review our admissions policies. Entry A uth orizatian Permanent or temporary entry authorization] for any guest or service person may be given to the Concierge or Management Office at any time. Please complete a Key Release (see website). Visitors and Guexts The Concierge will announce (by telephone) all visitom to the homeowner unless previous written instructions have been given to waive the announcement. Visitors and guests must sign- in at the Rant desk. Service Personnel All service personnel must register in the lag book` Wrinen authorization must be on file for entry into a unit where the homeawner is not in residence at the time. Law Enfurcemenr Process servers and law enforcement offlcers will be announced (by telephone); however, the Association, Management or the Concierge may not prohibit their access to the homeownel-*s floor even if the homeowner gives instructions to bar entry` This is a violation ofthe Georgia Code addressing obstruction of justice. Solicituliuns No solicitation of any kind is permitted at The Windson Salicitors will be refused. 6(!4/2007 1 I AMENITIES Suciu! Room and Catering Krlchen The Social Room has a big screen TV, pool table and kitchen. This room may be reserved for your exclusive use through the Management Office by completing a rental agreement and submitting separate checks for the following: 1. $300 refundable damage deposit 2. $20 per hour usage fee 3. $55 cleaning charge payable to Buckhead Cleaning A Reservations will be taken on at flrstcome-first-served basis and must be made in the name of the homeowner. Use of the facilities requires cleaning after the event; any damages will be the responsibility of the homeownet`. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult and may not use the pool table. Conference Rooml Business Center an Mezzanine The Conference Room is open to all homeowners/residents and may be reserved in advance with the Management Oftlee for business meetings or small functions between the hours of 9:00sm until 10:00pm. The business center is located on the mezzanlne level and it is open Bum 9:00a- 10:00pm. The business center is equipped with a oomputer, fax, copier and pxinter. Guests are only allowed to use these rooms or the equipment in these rooms when accompanied by the homeowrter. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult homeowner. No pets are allowed in the Social Roam. Business Center or the Conference room. Smoking is not permitted in the eommon areas Fitness Center Open from 5:0Oam-l2:0()Midnight daily on the mezzznlne level. A complete selection of free weights and cardiovascular equipment is available. The fitness center is for the exclusive use of the owners, residents and authorized guests. All guests must be accompanied by the homeowner/resident. All facilities provided in the fitness center are unattended and all exercise equipment is used at your own risk. Please return weights to their original rack. Please use the paper towels and cleaner provided to wipe down the equipment after use. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For safety reasons. children are not allowed to use any equipment designed for adult use. Absolutely no pets are allowed in the fitness center. Pool The pool is located on the mezzanlne level. The pool is open from late spring until early fall. Tables and chairs are placed around the pool for your use during those months. The furniture is stored far the colder months. No pets are allowed in the pool or pool area. 6/ I 4/2007 1 2 AMENITIES: RULES The Association has developed the following rules for the use of the Pool and Fitness Center in order to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment. We appreciate your abiding by these rules. ' Pool hours: 10:00 am. tc dusk. ' Fitness Center hours: 5:0Oa.m until 12:OOn-lidnight * The pool and Bmess center are for the exclusive use ofthe owners, residents and authorized guests. I All exercise equipment is used at your own risk. Please return weights to their original place after use. ' All homeowners/residents and their guests swim at their own risk. No lifeguards are on duty. ' Homeowners/residents and their guests must adhere to rules posted at the pool. * No children under twelve (12) years of age are allowed in the pool or fitness center Without an adult. ' For safety reasons, children are net allowed to use any equipment designed for adult use. ' Infants and small children must wear swim drapers that will not disintegrate in the pool. * The number of guests in the peal area is limited to 2 guests per unit so as not to interfere with the enjoyment Of the other residents. ' Homeowners/residents must accompany their guests at all times. * No pets are allowed in the pool area ar fitness center. ' Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. ' Appmpriate and considerate behavior is expected. ` Absnlutely NO GLASS is alluwed in the pool area. If the pool must be drained as a result of any glass broken by a resident or guest, it will be done at the hnrueownews expense. Any fines from the Fulton County Health Department resulting {rum the use of glass by the pool will be assessed to the responsible unit owner. In addition, the unit owner will be responsible for an additional $100 service fee payable to the Association. 6/ I4/2007 1 3 COMMON AREAS I T rush Rooms Access to the trash chute is located on every floor to the lett of the elevator lobby. Do not leave trash bags outside your door, on your balcony or in the hallway. Please place all items in a tall kitchen trash bag (including cat litter) before depositing them in the chute in order to maintain a sanitary, odor free environment. Do not leave boxes in the trash room or put them down the chute. Break down all boxes (including pizza boxes) and talte them to dumpster. No large items, such as fumiture, may be put down the chute, Please donate large items or have them hauled away` Contractors are prohibited from disposing of any construction debris down the trash chute. Violators may be fined. No~Smvking Smoking is prohibited in all of the indoor common areas of the building and elevators. This includes the lobby, l-iallways, laundry room, Conference/Social Rooms, fitness center and storage area. Please do not drop cigarettes off the balconies onto the pool deck. Laundry Laundry facilities are located on the mezzanine level and open 24 hours a day for your convenience. The change machine is located to the left immediately upon entering the laundry roam. Owners/residents are responsible for monitoting their laundry. Neither Management nor the Association is responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Bicycle Racks The bike racks are located on both the lower level of the building near the storage lockers and . inside the parking garage on the right as you enter the is` floor. All bicycles are locked and stored at the owner's risk. Neither Management nor the Association is responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Storage Units Please contact the Management Office if you are uncertain of your purchased storage space location or would like to lease a storage unit. Check your storage unit periodically and make sure your lock is secure. Items are not allowed to be stored in open areas of the storage room` All items not inside a storage unit may be disposed of at Management's discretion without further notice. am/zoav 14 Stvrage Unit (cmrrirrued) Storage spaces shall be used solely for the purpose of storing any personal prcperty belonging to the Owner or Occupant of the Unit. No Owner or Occupant shall store any explosives, or any flammable, odorous, noxious, corrosive, hazardous or pollutant materials or any other goods in the space which would cause danger or nuisance to the storage space or the Condominium. The storage space shall not be used for any purposes unlawlirl or contrary to any ordinance, regulation, fire code, or health code. DO NOT stare perishable items in this area. > The Windsor Over Pcachtree Condomlnium Association, Inc, or Management is NOT responsible for any damage, theft or loss, including mildew, to your stored personal items in the lockers. Mailboxes Mailboxes for the units are located in the mailroom on the lobby level near the main elevators, lf you do not have a mailbox key, please contact the Management Ofice. Front Desk/Corzcierge The Windsor provides a 24-hour/7-day a week front desk service for your convenience. It is extremely hnpartant that the front desk has your contact numbers and vehicle information on file, The front desk provides the following services: ' Greets homeowners, residents and guests ' Guest sign-in and notification ' Entry Authorization/Key Release forms ' Accepts package deliveries and holds for pick up by homeowner ' Issues guest parking passes * Taws unauthorized vehicles at owners request * Reports emergencies, breaches of security, and other incidents to Management, the Board of Directors, or to any other applicable entity or public authority * Inspects freight elevator after move~in/move-out 6/14/2007 15 - SERVICES Maintenance Maintenance inside your home is the I-Iomeowneins responsibility. The Windsar Over Peachtree Coudomiriium Assaciation is responsible for the upkeep of the common areas only. It is the homeowners responsibility to arrange for any repairs inside their home. When available, the on~ site maintenance staff can be hired to do routine maintenance. All work performed will be billed to your unit. Pest Control The Associatien has contracted with a professional pest control service to treat all of the common areas on a weekly basis on Thursdays. If you are having a problem with insects in your unit, please call the Management Office. Cable TV You may set up your cable with Comcast, 770-559-2000. No transmission antenna or dish of any kind may be erected anywhere on the Condominium including the units withaut prior written approval of the Board of Directors and/or the Architectural Control Committee. High Speed Inremet Contact AT&T at 1-833-321-2375, or Comcast, ar other DSL and cable service of your choice. Trash Disposal Trash chutes are located on every floor, clearly marked with a sign. * Place all items in sealed trash bags before placing them in chute (including kitty litter). This will create a sanitary, odor-free environment in the building. * Do not leave trash bags outside your entry door or on the balcony or in the hallway. ' Do not leave bikes or other items inside the trash room. * Do not put any boxes, carpet, or any other large item down the trash chute. * Coritmctors are prohibited from disposing of any construction debris down the trash chute. Violatars may be fined and charged the cast of repair to the trash chute. 6/l4/2007 16 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Balconies, Paries, Ruuf Terraces Objects over forty-two (42) inches in height, grills bicycles, laundry garmertts, towels and objects other than potted plants and patio furniture shall not be placed on a balcony, patio or roof terrace. Penetration of a balcony is prohibited. Enclosure of a balcony, patio or roof terrace is prohibited. Plants may not extend past the balcony or over the railing. Garage Sales Garage sales, yard sales, flea markets, or similar activities are prohibited. Grills Grilling is not allawed on the property. Hallways No items of any kind are permitted to be placed or stored in the corridors outside the units. Key Release/Entrgtyzttuthorizutian Forms are available at the Front Desk , website or Management Office. You must submit written authorization to allow access to your unit. by someone other than yourself Quiet Hours Sound equipment (radios. TVs, CD players, video players, etc.) and all other sound producing instruments must be kept at a level so as not to disturb any resident at any time. Quiet hours, when all noise must be kept at a minimum, are between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 am. Window Treatment The color and type of all window treatments visible from a. residential unit must be white or off- white tn order to maintain the appearance of uniformity from the outside. s/14/zoav 17 DELIVERIES Large Deliveries All large deliveries are to be made using the Height elevator, which must be reserved in advance with the Management Office. A check in the amount of $40000 is required as a damage deposit and is refundable if there is no damage to die elevator and common areas. Unscheduled large deliveries will be refined and must be rescheduled with the Management Otlice. Freight elevator hours are: Monday A Friday 9:O0a.m to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm No deliveries permitted on Sunday or Holidays. There is no charge for Lhe first 3 hours reserved. Overtime will be billed at $50 per how. Unscheduled deliveries will result in a service fee of $25 plus the owner may be fined. If you Will not be home to accept your delivery on the scheduled day, please let the Management Offioe know who will be authorized to enter your unit with the delivery. The Windsor staff cannot accept deliveries of furniture or other items` The only items permitted through the from lobby are your luggage, groceries and dry cleaning. Delivery Carts Large and small delivery carts are available at the concierge desk for moving items from your car to your unit. If you use a cart, please return it to the concierge when finished. The cost of repair of a common area wall or door damaged by a can will be billed to the responsible homeowner. 6/}4/2007 Is ENTRY Controlled Access The Windsor Over Peachtree is a controlled access cammunity. The parking deck entrance requires a remote and exterior entry doers require an access card to enter the building. Please do not give your remote or access card to anyone. A replacement for your lest access card and/or remote may be purchased at the Management Office. Please notify the Management Office immediately if a remote/access card is lost or stolen. All guests/visitors/contractors must sign in with the Concierge upon entering llle building. An access card or remote is needed to enter the following areas of The Windsor: > Parking garage > Pool breezeway entry into building > Lobby doers >> Loading dock door ) 2'ld level door 5* Door next to grocery store and dry cleaner Key Re!ensdPermissiun to Enter A hcrneowner or resident must give written permission to grant anyone abcess to his/her unit by completing the Key Release and Entry Authorization Form. A form may be obtained on The Windsor website at Mw'.620geacl1t]^ec.oraa or from the concjerge or the Management Ofllce. This includes relatives, friends, cleaning services, deliveries, etc. Note: All keys are maintained in the Management Office safe. If a resident chooses to leave a key for someone at the conclerge desk, the concierge will only release it with a signed authorization. Luck Outs Lock outs from units are the homeownefs responsibility. The Management Oflice maintains the unit keys. Concierge staff dces not have access to any unit keys. After hours? the concierge will gladly call a locksmith on behalf of the homecwner. Guest Procedures A guest is defined as anyone visiting an authorized homeowner/resident. Guests must always sign-in, be announced, and register their vehicles with the Front Desk. An authorized resident is someone who is listed as an owner of record, listed on a lease, or listed as a spouse, partner, family member or raommate on a l-lomeownerlkesident Profile Sheet and is living in the unit. 6/14/zoo? 19 An unauthorized resident is someone who is staying at The Windsor but is not an owner, is not listed on a lease as a tenant, or is not listed as a spouse, partner, family member or roommate on a Homeowner/Resident Protlle sheet. Unauthorized residents are required to sign in and register as a guest with the Front Deskl Guests and unauthorized residents are not allowed to utilize the full service of The Windsor which includes use ofthe pool, fltness room, conference roam, social room, or tennis courts unless accompanied by an authorized homeowner/resident. The Windsor is not allowed to accept mail or packages or schedule freight elevator time for guests or unauthorized residents` If an authorized resident has an individual(s) temporarily staying with him/her, the authorized resident must advise the Management Ofhce, in writing, the name{s) of the lndividual(s) and the length of time they will be staying. The Management Ofhce will provide the Entry Authorization Form needed. Owners/authorized residents are responsible for informing their guest(s) of our parking and sign-in procedures. Any individual staying in a unit for more than 30 days must be added to a lease or added as a spouseg partner, family member or roommate an a Homeowrler Profile form. The Associatian's Declarations state) "The Owner or lessee shall cause all occupants of his or her unit to comply with the Declaration, Bylaws, and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and shall be responsible for all violations by such occupants, notwithstanding the fact that such occupants of the unit are fully liable and may be sanctioned for any violation.`) 5/14/2007 20 PARKING Garage Spaces Garage spaces are for homeowners/residents/visitors only. Any unauthorized or improperly parked car in the garage area will be towed andjor fined without notice. The Association or Management is not responsible for the cost of your vehicle being towed or damaged while parked in the garage. Homeowners/residents must have a parking decal on the driver's side of the windshield. Vehicles without a parking decal parked on floors 2 through 5 will be towed immediately without notice. > White lined spaces - unassigned space Each unit has one unassigled space (white lined). > Yellow lined spaces - Tandem assigned/reserved space If you own a tandem/reserved parking space. you must park only in your assigned space. Tandem ovmers may not park in a white lined space. Parking Levels > IS` tlcor visitor/guest parking up to 24 hours. Vehicle will be towed after the allowed time. There are 33 guest parking spaces an the Is` floor. Guests must register their vehicle with the Concierge. Due ta the limited spaces) homeowners/residents are not allowed to park on the Is` floor. > 2"`{-S"` floor is for homeowner/resident parking with stickers. > 6th flocr only visitor/guest parking up to 72 hours (10 spaces) and must receive temporary permit Rom the Cancierge. Short-Term Visitor Parking Visitors may park on the la` floor only and must sign in at the Concierge desk. Parking on the 1s` floor is for a maximum of 24 hours. Residents may not park on the Is` floor. Violators will be towed without notice at the owner's expense and/or fines may apply. Lung-Term Visitur Parking Long-Term visitors may park on the 6"` floor only for up to 72 hours. Guests must register their vehicle With the Concierge and receive a temporary permit. The temporary permit must be visible from outside the car and returned to the Concierge upon expiration. Long-term spaces may be reserved in advance with the Concierge. Vehicles paxked atter the allowed time will be towed without notice at owner's expense and/or Sues may apply. 6/I4/2007 21 ` 5-Minute Parking Cam may park at the front entrance for 5 minutes only. 30-Minute Parking There are 30-minute loading zones in front of the stajrs into the building on the 3'd and 4d` levels of the garage. The areas are clearly marked. Anyone parking in these areas for more than 30 minutes will be towed without notice at your expense. Handicapped Parking There are 2 handicapped parking spaces located on the lst level. You or your guest must have a handicapped decal displayed on the license plate or a decal hanging from the rearview mirror, All handicapped drivers must register their vehicle with the Front Desk. Additional Parking Spaces If you need an additional parking space, one space per unit may be rented for $100 per month. You will need to register the additional car and driver with the Management Office. Vehicle Registrarivn All vehicles must be registered with the Management Office and include make, model, color, and lag number. You will need to obtain a permit to display an the front window of the driver*s side of the vehicle and obtain a remote for the garage. To avoid having your car towed, please notify the Management Oflice of any vehicle changes. Controlled Access Parking You may enter and exit the parking deck with yeur garage remote. Access inta the building is on the lobby level, 3rd and 4m floors in the garage. Parking Safety ` For your protection, do not leave handbags, CDSH cell phones, bags, boxes) briefcases, coins or any other items that may appear to be valuable locked inside your vehicle. Doing so may promote vandallsrn, and loss of your personal property. > PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE WINDSOR OVER PEACHTREE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION OR MANAGEMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS DUE TO THEFT, COLLISION, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGE OCCURRING TO VEHICLES IN THE PARKING GARAGE OR ON ANY OTHER AREA OF THE PROPERTY. PARKING IS AT YOUR OVVN RISK. V 6/I4/2007 22 Improper Storage in Parking Space Storing items in a parking space is prohibited, This is a violaticn of City Fire Codes. Parking spaces may not be utilized for storing any items such as boxes, car batteries, tires, gas containers, etc. Any items placed in a parking space will be subject to removal and the owner Will be responsible for a service fee to the Association. Preventive Parking Please be aware afthe speed limit inside the garage and turn on your headlights so that approaching drivers may see you. This procedure will assist in reducing collisions inside the garage. Take wide turns going down and narrow tums going up the ramps. Yield to cars exiting on the Is! floor. Cars exiting should yield to cars coming up the ramps. Towing Any vehicle illegally parked or abandoned Will be towed without notice. If another vehicle is parked in your Tandem space, you will need to notify the Concierge to have it removed. The homeowner who is parked illegally may be fined in addition to being towed. The cost oftowing is the responsibility of the owner of the car. Parking for you and your guests is at your own risk and neither The Association, management nor front desk personnel assumes any responsibility for towing a vehicle or damage to a vehicle parked onsite. VEHICLE TAGGED AND TOWED IMMEDIATELY * No notice shall be required and the Association may have the vehicle immedialeb) towed ' A vehicle is parked in a tire lane * A vehicle is blocking another vehicle or access to another Owner's parking space * A vehicle is obstructing the flow of traffic ' A vehicle is parked in a reserved tandem space (orange lines), and vehicle's owner/driver does not own the tandem space ' A vehicle creates a hazardous condition ' A vehicle is parked in a loading and/or unloading area as designated on the 3'd and 4`1' floors of the parking garage beyond the posted time of 30 minutes. ' A vehicle does not have a valid and current Windsor parking decal clearly displayed (front windshield, driver-side, lower left-hand comer ACCEPTED ONLY) and is parked on the 2"d~6u` floor. Exceptions are for those residents whonre required to park in the handicapped designated areas. ' A vehicle with a "tandeinu reserved parking decal is parked in an unreserved space * A vehicle with a valid and current Windsor parking decal is parked on the lst floor. Vehicle Tagged and Towed 24-hour Later - Vehicle tagged means a notice is placed on the . vehicle noting the nature ofthe violation and [ha! the vehicle will be towed within 2`Fhours. ' A "disableds' vehicle will be tagged and towed 24 hours later ' A "storedu vehicle will be tagged and towed 24 hours later aner 14 consecutive days in the same parking space or longer without prior written permission from the Board. 6/I4/2007 23 PETS In order to maintain our building and grounds, we ask that pet owners caretixlly follow the pet guideljnes established by the Board. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in fines. > In accordance With City Ordinance and for safety reasons, all dogs must be on a leash while leaving and entering the building. )> Pets shall be taken upstairs and downstairs through the freight elevator only. > Please respect the other homeowners concerning pet distm-bances. F Pet owners are required to pick up after their dogs while an the grounds of the community or in the building. IT IS THE LAW. Please carry at plastic bag With you and clean up accidents in the elevators or common areas. Failure to do so may result in a ftne. > There is a pet station for your convenience. > Pets should not be left unattended on balconies or outdoors. The heat or cold may adversely affect your pet or cause a disturbance to other residents. > Pets of any type are not allowed in the pool area or unleashed in the corridors or common areas. )> If there are continuing cornplaints about a pet, the horneowner may be subject tu fines and/or removal of the offending pet. > A homeowner/resident may have no more than two cats or one dog per unit. > Only generally recognized household pets weighing less than two (2} pounds each may be kept in Units. > Failure to register your pet and pay the annual pet fee may result in a fine. Please refer to the Declaration of Condominium, page 25, for additional details. 6(M/2007 24 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS I!'lt9I~iQ!`S of Individual Units All structural, mechanical, electrical or plumbing changes, modifications and improvements being made to your unit by a homeowner, or a contractor or suboontralctor hired by the hameowner must be approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of The Windsor Over Peachtree Cortdominium Association, Inc. and the Board of Directors prior to the commencement of any work. Aograval: In order for the ACC to approve the work, the following items must be completed and submitted for review 30-60 days prior to any commencement of work: ]. Contractor's Certificate of Insurance (general liability and workeras compensation) naming The Windsor Over Peachtree Condominium Association, Inc. as an additional insured. 2. Copies of any required permits. 3. Copy of oonlIactor`s business license 4. Written description of proposed work to be done in unit. 5. Copies of blueprints (when applicable). 6. Work Schedule: Anticipated start date / completion date. 7. Signed construction debris removal statement contlrrnjng that all construction debris will be disposed of off property Deoosits: Residents using outside contractors or subcontractors to work on their home are required to leave a deposit in the amount of $400.00 with the Management Company to protect against damage to the elevator or corridors. All deposits will be refunded upon completion of the work. provided that no damage was caused to any other units or to the common areas as determined by the Management Company. Elevators: The elevator must be reserved a minimum of 48 hours prior to use by a contractor, and your deposit must be paid at the time of reservation. Your contractor will not be allowed access to the building or elevator unless the appropriate deposits have been paid in full. All elevator policies and times must be followed. Construction Debris: Under no circumstances may the trash chutes be used for the disposal of debris from any renovatian work. Your individual contractor is responsible for off site disposal of all construction debris. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a fine to the homcowner. Once approved, work must commence within six (6) months from the date of the approval unless the ACC provides written time extension on the workss commencement date. Also, all approved work must be completed within ninety (90) days from the date of commencement, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. 6ll4l2oo7 25 `i In Unit Construction Hours: Noisy oonstruction work is only permitted iri units as follows: Monday7Friday 9:00 aim. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm` Absolutely no work that may cause noise can be perfon-ned by any horneowner or outside contractor, subcontractor or resident on Sundays or holidays. Work requiring the use of air hammerss or other such tools or proceduress which cause noisy vibrations throughout The Windsofs structure requires a $500 deposit` The deposit will be returned upon completion ofthe work, provided there is no damage to the structure and other units or any common elements or limited common elements. In addition: * The Contractor and Unit Owner utilizing such procedures must execute the appropriate Association form indicating an agreement to indemnify the Association for any and all damages resulting from such work. ' The Management Office must be given 7 business days notice of such work so Unit Owners may be properly notified` I Such noisy vibration work may only be performed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between the hours of l0:00a.m and 3:00pm ' Work may only be performed for no more than 2 hours on any given day. * Work must be completed within 3 days of the initial commencement of the work, * Failure to follow these procedures will result in the forfeiture of the Ssoo deposit. Flooring and Ceiling Restrictiorrs Altering the concrete floor or ceiling is prohibited. Jack hammering, drilling holes, or digging trenches in the concrete for any reason is not allowed` Flooring Underlayrnem Reguirements If a unit owner wishes to replace wall-to-wall carpet with wood flooring the following guideiines apply: For sound control purposess the ACC Will ariiy allow floating wood floors with proper underlayment such as % inch cork or other suitable padding, which must be approved by the ACC. Hard surface flooring such as marble, slate, granite, and ceramic tiles shall be installed over anti- fracture or waterproof membrane in accordance with (TCA) Tile Council of America standard for past tension slabs. Hard surface flooring is restricted to the bathrooms, kitchen, and foyer area. Hard surface flooring other than wood may not be installed in the living roam, dining room or bedrooms. It is recommended that at least 50% of the wood flooring in the living room and bedrooms be covered with area rugs. 6/I4/2007 26 Sgrinkler Heads The ACC prohibits owners and their contmctors from tampering with or relocating sprinkler heads without proper authorization from the Management Office` All sprinkler related work and repairs must be performed by the Associatiolfs contractor. Call the Management Office for more information. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES MAY RESULT IN FINES OR OTHER ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE ASSOCIATION. For more information regarding the policies and procedures for remodeling, please contact the Management Company. Elevator Lobb! or Hallway Changes You may not make additions, deletions or changes of any kind to the common area hallways without prior approval of the Board of Directors and/or the Architectural Control Committee. Additions and changes become the responsibility of the homecwners making them and will not be maintajned by the Association. 6(!4/2007 27 SEVERE WEATHER WARNINGS Atlanta occasionally may be in the path of a tornado or severe storm. If our area is in danger of a tornado, the weather service will issue one of the following: a Tomado Watch (a condition that cauld possibly generate a tornado) or a Tornado Warning (a tornado has been sighted in the area). Without proper precautions? storms can cause severe damage and injuries. By following the procedures below, we will be as prepared as possible` Please tune your television to the Weather Channel, or ycux favorite local network, for the most current weather information on the Atlanta area` . Tornadu Watch Be aware that if a tomado does reach the areai all items on your balconies (including furniture and planters) are potential hazards to you and your neighbors. Please secure these items immediately or move them safely inside your unit. Tornado Warning In the event of a "Tornado Wamingg, you should move away from all glass doors and windows to an interior area of your unit or the tire stairwell. If you are in the lobby area, move to the Pm-king level. If you are in the parking decks, go into the nearest interior tire stairwell and wait until all danger has passed. V 6/wzoov 28 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES & EVACUATION PLAN INTRODUCTION The Windsor Over Pcachuee Conduminium Association is committed to providing a safe environment for our residents in the event of an emergency. Many tire safety features have been incorporated into the design and consuuction ofthe building, including emergency lighting. tire alarm pull stations, fire extiuguishers, smoke detectors and fire sptinklers. The fire sprinkler heads are activated by heat not smoke. The majority of the heads axe rated at 155 O and will activate at or above this temperature. Tampering with the heads in any way is against the law. KNOW YOUR BUILDING Each occupant should be familiar with Lhe location of all the exit stairways on his/her floor. In addition, occupants should discuss in advance what they will do if the closest exit cannot be used dmuing a tire emergency. Please study the posted Fire Escape plan for ycur floor. IF A FIRE OCCURS IN YOUR UNIT 1. Immediately call 91 1 for the the depmimeut. Tell them the floor and unit number as well as the street address. Contact the Front Desk at 404-881-6655 if there is time. 2. Without further delay, leave your unit. Be sure ta close the door behind you, leaving it unlocked. This will prevent the possible spread of heat and smoke into the corridor. For fire and personal safety, do not block any open doers in the building at any time. 3. Remember to alert occupants of other units on your floor. It is vitally important that they be given as early a warning as possible, especially al night. 4. Use the closest exit stairway. Be sure to close the stairway door behind you. Once in the Stairway, you are in a more protected area and can descend in an orderly manner. In case of a fire, elevators automatically shut down and slowly descend to the lowest floor. 5. NEVER attempt to use the elevalors. They may be out of service. malfuucxionjng or not readily available. In addition, the Fire Department will need to use all operable elevators at the time of their arrival in order to gain quick access to the fire agca. 6/J4/zouv 29 IF THERE IS FIRE OR SMOKE NEAR YOUR UNIT I. Immediately call 9I I for the Fire Department. Tell them the floor and unit number as Well as the street address and what you have seen. Do not assume that anyone else has already called them. Call the Front Desk at 404-381-6655. 2. Before trying to leave your unit, place the palm of your hand on the door, palm down. If the door feels warm to the touch within five seconds, do not attempt to open it as this could indicate the presence of a dangerous fire condition in the corridor. 3. If the door is not warm to the touch, carehrlly open it a small amount so as to check for the possible presence of smoke in the corridor. 4. If you feel that the corridor can be used, alert occupants of other apartments on your floor and proceed to the closest exit stairway. Be sure to close your door and the stairway door behind you. Do not attempt to use the elevator. 5. If your unit door is warm to the touch or there is heavy smoke in the corridor. keep the door dosed. Seal cracks around the door with wet towels and any other places where smoke appears to he entering. 6. If some smoke enters your unit and you have Windows Which can be operated, open one just slightly. In units having windows which cannot open, remain close to the floor. Following the above suggested steps and doing pre~6re manning, you will greatly reduce your chance of being killed or injured in a tire in your building. Since no two Bres are alike, plan carefully and learn your building layout well so that you can change your exit plan as conditions warrant. PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED Physically challenged residents are defined as follows: 1. Persons with inability to walk, have difficulty walking, or rely on mobility aids, A such as canes. walkers or wheel chairs. 2. Persons with sight or hearing disabilities. 3. Persons who have difficulty interpreting and receiving sensory information. 4. Persons with lack of stamina to exit stairwells, The Management Company will maintain a list of physically challenged residents to be used to assist the Fire Department in the event of an emergency. It is the responsibility of the resident to notify the Management Company of their special needs and conditions. 6/I4/zoo? 30 MAINTENANCE IN YOUR UNIT The primary role of The Windsor maintenance staff is to maintain the common areas of the building` They are available for smalljobs inside your unit per the price schedule attached` I-Iomeowner repairs will be performed as their schedule permitsr All requests for maintenance work inside your unit must come through the Management Office during regular business hours. The Management Office is open Monday-Wednesday, 9:O0am to 5:00pm, Thursday 9:00am-6:O0pm and Friday 9:0()am-12:OOnoon. Please email wopnlanaqer@belisoutltnet or call 404-881-6654. Requests will be handled in the order received, unless it is an emergency (leak, fire, etc} Upon completion of the work in your unit, the maintenance staff will leave a work order showing the amount that will be charged to your unit. Please bring your check to the Management Office or place it in the drop box by the office` You may also include this amount with your check for your dues and it may be paid online as well. If your HVAC unit is leaking, toilet is leaking, any pipe is leaking, this is considered an emergency and you need to call the Management Office immediately. If it is alter hours, call the frant desk at 404~SSI*6655. Please be aware that an after hours call will incur additional charges. You should tum off the water valve immediately to prevent additional damage to your unit and the unit below you. 6/l4/zoo? 31 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY CONDOMINIUM DOCUMENTS Paragraph 17, Pages 33-35 7 Owner (basically anything inside your unit): `eh All glass surfaces (except exterior cleaning of balcony windows); `sq Windows, frames, locks and casings, including caulking of windows (except for periodic painting, staining and/or cleaning of the exterior window frames); 9- Doors, doorways, frames and hardware that are part of the entry system (except for periodic painting or staining of the exteriar surface of entry doors and door frames facing the hallway of the Condominium), 9- All portions of individual heating and air conditioning system, including the air conditioning compressar sewing the Residential Unit and the fan coil; 9- All pipes, lines, ducts, conduits or other apparatus which serve only the homeownefs unit, whether located within or without a unlfs boundaries (including all electricity, water. sewer, or air conditioning pipes, lines, dues, condults, or other apparatus serving only the unit). Association (basically anything outside el` your unit): 4 9~= All common elements including all portlons of the roof and the roof support systems and any roof area under the Limited Common Element roof terraces; *9-= All Limited Common Elements, excluding all improvements made to such Limited Commcn Elements; gm Periodic painting, staining and/or cleaning of exterior surfaces of the Ccndominjum building, window frames, and entry doers and door frames facing the hallway of the Candaminium and exterior window frames, on a schedule to be determined by the Board of Dlrectors; | Periodic cleaning of exterior window surfaces (except balcony windows); 9-1 All skylights, even though they are considered a portion of the unit, the cost of which may be assessed against the Owner of the unit in which the skylight is located, pursuant to Paragraph 8(b)(i) ofthe Documents; 9- Incidental damages to any unit resulting from performance of work which is the Association's responsibility. 6/14/ZOO7 32 MAINTENANCE SERVICES Please direct all of your requests for in-unit maintenance services to the Management Office. After office hours, please email wopmanager@bellsouth.net or leave your request on the office voicemail, 404-881-6654. In the event of an after-hours' emergency request, please call the Front Desk at 404-881-6655. Services provided are charged in % hour increments. The cost of pans and materials will be passed on to the owner. Of course, you may hire your own licensed and insured service contractor. Failed garbage disposals will not be replaced. The buildings drainage plumbing was not designed to accommodate this debris. In most instances, newer appliance repairs should be referred to authorized service companies to protect the warranty. Maintenance or concierge will not perform lack-out service. However, the from desk can call a Iocksmith for you if needed. Please be certain you always retain possession of your keys. Below are several typical non-emergency charged services available. Please inquire if ycu need assistance with something not shown. ` Labor Charges Services during business hours $30 per hour ( I 5-minute minimum) Emergency services after hours $45 per hour (15-minute minimum) Non-Emer|ency Routine Requests Include: `( Clearing clogged drains J Minor electrical repairs (replacement otswitches and outlets) # Replacement might bulks ( Maintenance of door bells and smoke alarms | Change entrance locks and replacement/repair efintema} door latches ( Make additional/replacement keys ( Change HVAC filters semi-annually and check the condensate line Cost of "Building Standard" Maintenance Items: Plumbing Toilet Repair Kit-complete S 9.00 ea Toilet seat and cover (white) $12.80 ea Toilet flapper assembly $ 3.50 ea Toilet ballcock assembly S 9.00 ea Toilet flush lever (brass) $ 4.00 ca Flush handle assembly S 2.50 ca Tub faucet stem & seat S 6.00 ca Bath sink faucet stem & seat S 7.00 ea Showerhead S 7.00 ea Kitchen faucet kit S 8.50 ea Refrigerator icemaker replacement I $75.00 ea 6/l4/2007 33 Electrical 40, 60 and I00watt standaxd bulb S 2400 ea PL 13 compact fluorescent bulb S 4.00 ea Single Pole Light Switch $ 3.60 ea Three Way Light Switch S 4.00 ca Replace Outlet $ 4.00 ea GFI Outlet $10.00 ea Cover plate outlet or switch cover $ 1.50 ca Ballast $15-25 Smoke Alarm $19400 ea 9-volt battery for smoke alarm $10*80 ea Igniter module for stove $65.00 ea I-IVAC Air Blter and cleaning S 9.00 ea Algaecide tablets (a/c use only) $ 4.00 ea I-IVAC blower assembly $85.00 ca, labor included Locks Deadbolt Lock replace or re-key (2) $50.00 per lock, labor included Key Blank S 2.00 per key Interior door latch complete $12.00 ca Passage door knob $10.00 ea Privacy door knob S 8.00 ea All pricing is approximate` Actual cost will be charged at the time qfrhe repair. Parts and services provided by The Windsor staff are limited to items that are standard to the building. The staffwill not be responsible for custam items or services provided by others. 6/14/2007 ~ 34 Scheduled Maintenance for HVAC System Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance far your heating and cooling system is scheduled in the spring and fail. You will be notified when work will be done on your floor. Requests for additjanal filter changes Will be charged at the regular labor cast plus the cost of the filter. The preventive maintenance includes Biter change, ccil cleaning if needed, vacuuming out the condensate drain, inspection of blower and assembly, checking the thermostat and checking the bases. The full preventive maintenance should be scheduled at least every six (6) months with filter replacement/inspection. We also recommend checking the condensate drain pan periodically to make sure it's not clogged. Pouring a half cup of bleach down the drain line will help prevent bacteria and clogs from building up. If it appears too full er is already overflawing, please call our office for service. Remember, any leak Rom your HVAC system into the unit below is your responsibility. if * * Please note: If maintenance is called for non-emergency service outside of regular business hours, there Will be a minimum service call charge of S I 00*00, along with the standard $45.00 per hour labor charge for emergency calls. 6/14/2007 3 5 WATER LEAKS No matter how carefhl we are to prevent them, water leaks happen. Living in a high rise means that water leaking in one unit can run into others and cause damage. In Case ofa Water Leak If you see a leak around any plumbing fixture (toilet, sink, tub, shower, dishwasher, refrigerator, washing machine), please call the Management Office immediately. If you see water leaking from your ceiling or through any duct, please ca]! the Management Office immediately. The sooner the Management Offrce knows of a leak, the sooner we can stop it and the less damage it can cause. The Management Office will arrange for cleanup and drying out services. These costs will be billed to the homeawner. Responsibilitjyfar Clean-up and Repair Costs The horneowner whose unit is damaged is legally responsible for any costs related to the clean- up and repair, even if the water damage originated in another unit. The damaged owner may have a claim against the other owner, but that does not negate the damaged owner`s responsibility` Luckily, the homeowner can usually recover most clean-up and repair costs from his/her hameowneis insurance. We strongly recommend that you review your insurance palicy with your agent or insurance company to ensure that you have the coverage you desire including the Associatiorfs deductible of $ 10,000. 6/I4/2007 36 MAINTENANCE TIPS Toilets You Should check your toilets regularly. If you notice any of the following, please call the Management Office immediately. * Unusual noises * Toilet flushes itself * Water constantly runs (if only a trickle) ' Watex; on the floor near the base of the toilet If any of the following occurs? turn off the water at the shutoff valve and call the Management Office immediately. The shutoff valve is usually located under the toilet. Tum it clockwise to turn off the Water. . * Toilet bowl is overflowing * Toilet tank is leaking or overflowing * Toilet is constantly running If you are going to be away for an extended period of Lime, you should tum off all water supply valves in your unit. Far your toilets! pour a small amount of bleach in each tank and bowl. If you do not know where the water shutoff valves are or need help with this, please call the Management Office and ask for assistance` Sinks, Tubs and Showers You should check sinks for moisture or small leaks. Leaks should be fixed promptly to avoid damage to cabinets and floors. If you notice any leaks or moisture, please call the Management Office. MA/zoov 37